8 Amazing Benefits Of Getting a Massage.

benefitsof a massage

If your neck is painful, getting a massage can be helpful. If you have never got a massage before, we suggest that you read the benefits of this therapy first. This will help you get a better idea of what it can do for you. Read on.

Poop Easier

If you have constipation, massage can help you, according to the International Journal of Nursing Studies. In the research study, two groups were involved. The group that got massage experienced less severe GI symptoms and pain than the other group. Moreover, they found it easier to pass stool.

Fight Off Sickness

With regular massage, you will feel a change in your immune system response. Actually, you will experience a boost in your white blood cells that are the tiny “soldiers” that fight infection. So, you stay free from diseases.

Ease Back Pain

Treating lower back pain is difficult, especially if the problem is chronic. It’s not a good idea to opt for pain-killer tablets for relief. To feel better, you may want to get a few sessions of massage therapy. For instance, if you see positive results after a few months, the effects will last until the end of next few weeks.

Sleep Soundly

If you have back pain, you may find it harder to fall asleep. However, with massage, your mind and body will be at peace again and you will able to get a good night’s sleep. After a few bi-weekly sessions, you will notice a considerable reduction in your sleep disturbance. So, you won’t wake up during the night and you won’t find it harder to go to bed. Besides, your overall quality of life will get better.

End Exercise Soreness

If you have had a tough workout, you can get a message to deal with the soreness. As a matter of fact, you will experience a considerable reduction in the intensity of soreness after a few minutes of session.

Do you have no time after your workout session? If so, you can do another trick. All you have to do is shrug your shoulders for 10 minutes and that’s it.

Boost Your Mood

Yes, you will also get a mood boost after a few sessions. This is especially more beneficial for you if you have been suffering from depression. According to researchers, the therapy sessions cut down on the depressive symptoms. More research is still going on to find out more benefits.

Ease Anxiety

If you or one of your loved ones is suffering from GAD, they can also give a go to the massage therapy, according to a study done at the Emory University. The result involved several patients and discovered a reduction in restlessness, dry mouth, insomnia, fears, tension, and so on.

Lower Your Blood Pressure

After a massage, your blood pressure will come down a bit. For instance, if you have a session of 10 minutes three times per week, you will experience a 12 mm Hg reduction in your systolic blood pressure.

Long story short, if you never had a message, we suggest that you give it a go today to reap the benefits mentioned in this article.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Shalini_Madhav/2396631

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