Three Things to Consider Before You Start to Give a Facial Massage.

massage oil

The time it takes to perform varies from twenty minutes to two hours though such a long facial massage would include regular rest periods. There are many opinions around how long a facial massage should last. Some argue for a long therapy session because it is very relaxing and pampering however others would argue that the massage should be short in order to avoid elongating the facial muscles.

Facial muscles are more delicate than other muscles in the body so it would be sensible in any event to apply this massage therapy very lightly and not concentrate on any one area for more than a few seconds.

The neck area around the throat should be avoided altogether. There are very few muscles here that would benefit and the Carotid Artery which is located to both sides of the neck could be seriously harmed with severe consequences although this type of injury is extremely rare. Simply avoid the area altogether to be safe. The chin above the Larynx (Adams Apple) is fine.

A luxury facial massage does require some form of lubricant. Theoretically you could use facial creams or gels however these are more absorbent [by design] for the skin, which is accelerated even more by rubbing and rapid movement. You would have to apply more cream often as you progress through your facial massage routine. This is not very practical and can also be expensive (depending on the actual cream that you use).

Many professional facial therapists use naturally fragrant or essential oils. The idea is that the pleasing aroma dispersed by the oils help to relax and soothe their client. Using oils such as these during a massage session is also known as Aromatherapy. You should be cautious as an amateur with using aromatherapy oils, especially essential oils because they can have quite a strong scent, which some patients might find over-powering. The same principle goes for using scented candles, aroma sticks, incense sticks, etc. Aromatherapy does require training in order to understand the therapeutic properties [and pitfalls] of using different fragrances during your massage session. Make sure that the person that you will be massaging likes the scent and that it isn’t too strong. Place the aroma source a little distance away so that the scent is subtle.

After all, the whole point of a luxurious facial massage is to relax your client and give them a sense of rejuvenation and revitalisation.

I would therefore recommend that you use a non-scented oil that is also not too thin. Baby oil would not be so suitable because it is quite thin and it is highly absorbent by design. A good oil to use is grape-seed oil. This has little or no scent, is not too thin (or too thick) and therefore makes an excellent lubricant for massage.

Do test your patient’s skin first to ensure that they will not have any allergic reaction! Remember, some people are allergic to nuts and seeds, so oils extracted from seeds could be just as allergenic. Another option is cold-pressed olive oil. Be aware that olive oil does have a mild fragrance that not everybody likes…

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